Plant "AZOV VERF" is a developer and manufacturer of technical fleet, including dredgers, floating cranes, small size vessels and tugs river-sea class.

The factory is located in the city of Mariupol in Kalmius estuary, near the old harbor fish cannery (Harbour Schmidt).

Since the founding of the company, we have developed and implemented various types of dredging equipment floating cranes, with capacity from 3 to 30 tons, and dredgers, with capacity from 160 to 4000 tons per hour on the pulp. Our developments have shown excellent results in large enterprises of Ukraine and Russia.

All our developments have been Ship Register of Ukraine and Russia.

At your request, "Azov Verf" LLC ready to produce tugs, dredgers, floating cranes, motozavozni, pipelayers and 500 mm in diameter and fishing trawlers.

In addition, Ltd. "AZOV VERF" has the ability to develop project documentation for technical fleet.
A special place among the technical fleet vessels occupy tugs. They are used for towing ferries and other non-powered floating funds, execution of works on the river intelligence service ferries, bridges and even the transportation of persons. But the most distinguished among the shallow-draft tugs pushers Project 730, which are indispensable for work at shallow depths.

  Судостроение * Украина Судостроение * Украина

© 2016-2023 ООО «АЗОВ ВЕРФЬ» * Судостроение, судоремонт, берегоукрепление, строительство и ремонт гидротехнических

сооружений, дноуглубительные работы, строительство зданий и сооружений * Мариуполь, Российская Федерация * Все права защищены
