At the plant there are: two mechanical workshops; joiner's shop; paint shop; slip lifting capacity of 140 tons, which can be repaired up to 6 vessels; concrete dock on the 8 ships with a displacement of 140 tons; floating dock 600 m .; own artificial harbor; convenient access roads: railway, broadband paved road leading to the harbor; 8 own storage facilities; car park lift trucks and warehouse equipment.
Plant "AZOV VERF" is a developer and manufacturer of technical fleet, including dredgers, floating cranes, small size vessels and tugs river-sea class.
The factory is located in the city of Mariupol in Kalmius estuary, near the old harbor fish cannery (Harbour Schmidt).
The AZOV VERF enterprise carries out ship lifting - a set of measures for lifting a sunken or grounded ship from the ground with partial or complete extraction of it from the water.
Our company has the capabilities and experience of lifting ships and sunken objects.
The specified activity is performed for:
- cleaning of fairways, quay walls;
- lifting objects for further restoration;
- disposal of sunken objects and their cutting into scrap metal;
- as one of the stages in the complex of dredging works.
Raized vessel utilization
Depending on the goals set, working conditions and the state of the sunken object, in practice, several lifting methods are used:
- sealing and pumping out water from the compartments by pumps;
- displacement of water from the compartments by compressed air;
- lifting with the help of inflatable soft pontoons or blown pontoons fixed to the hull;
- lifting with floating cranes.
The specific method in each case is determined individually, depending on the depth of the object, its condition, size, degree of siltation, bottom characteristics and other parameters.
Our specialists will efficiently and on time carry out a full list of operations from developing an optimal project to delivering an object to the Customer.
In general, the lifting process can be represented by the following stages:
- diving site survey
- development of a work plan and calculation of technical parameters of the process
- mobilization and deployment of equipment on site
- direct lifting of the sunken object and delivery to the Customer.
During the period of the enterprise's activity, the following vessels were raised: two dredgers (weighing 35 and 100 tons), a hydrographic research vessel (subsequently disposed of with the preservation of the main structural elements for the Customer), in the process of dredging works, the port waters of PJSC "MK" AZOVSTAL ", LLC "SRZ", LLC "Ukrtransagro" were cleared of waste and sunken debris and also about a dozen small vessels were raised on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas, on the rivers and inland waters of Ukraine.
To carry out the work, our company is equipped with the necessary equipment
- tugs with a capacity of 150 hp and 600 hp.
- pontoons with a lifting capacity of 60 tons
- ground and bilge pumps with a capacity of 25-300 m3/h
- dredgers with a capacity of 800 m3/h and 1200 m3/h
- equipment for underwater cutting and welding
- floating crane with a lifting capacity of 16 tons.